Thursday, June 11, 2009

Evidently I am not a blogger, I commented thing 8 rather than posting it on my blog. Is a blog a comment? Maybe I have it right now. As I commented.. I created an account on NetLibrary, searched for a few books but did not download any. I do not have a MP3 or Ipod and have no plans to buy one.. maybe I'll borrow one. Don't listen to many recorded books..sometimes on vacation trips. Like a book in hand.


  1. Yah, the language of all this library 2.0 stuff can get confusing. If you think of a blog post as a 'diary entry' and a comment as just someone's reaction to the diary entry, that may help! You can 'comment' (or react) to anyone's blog post (or diary entry) even your own!

  2. I like print books, too. Still, at some point, somebody's bound to ask me about downloadable books, and I'd better have the right answers, y'know? Ah well...this is why we learn. :)
